Image for spinner



Mind HK

IRD file Number 91/16471

Volunteer role

Graphic Designer/ Animator, Translator, Copywriter (copywriting/EDM development), Graphic Designer (sticker design)

Skill(s) required

Graphic Designer/ Animator: Graphic design, Animation

Translator: Translation

Copywriter (copywriting/EDM development): Communications and marketing, Translation, Copywriting

Graphic Designer (sticker design): Graphic design

Graphic Designer/ Illustrator: Communications and marketing, Graphic design

Description of work

Graphic Designer/ Animator: Make 5 20-seconds campaign videos for website and social media

Translator: Help translate mental health campaign content from English to Traditional Chinese

Copywriter (copywriting/EDM development): Copywriting and EDM in English and Chinese for partner distribution

Graphic Designer (sticker design): Design 2-3 print stickers for distribution

Graphic Designer/ Illustrator: 10 content images for social media (distributed by Mind HK and influencers) [Suggested content ideas: 1) HowOkayAreYou key visual, 2) infographic of survey results, 3) how to check-in with friends, family and colleagues, 4) messaging stickers for download]

Length of service / commitment required

1 month or less

Amount of time required per month

Graphic Designer/ Animator: 40 hours

Translator: 10 hours

Copywriter (copywriting/EDM development): 4-8 hours

Graphic Designer (sticker design): 2 hours

Graphic Designer/ Illustrator: 20-30 hours

Location of volunteer work

May work remotely / from home

NGO office location

Unit D, 9/F, One Capital Place, 18 Luard Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

NGO mission and description of organization’s work

Mind HK's mission and vision is to ensure everyone in Hong Kong struggling with a mental health problem has the recognition, support and respect they need to make the best recovery possible. We provide partnership, collaboration, training, innovation and best practice to facilitate the work of all those involved in improving mental health in Hong Kong. We lead, promote and support the destigmatisation and transformation of community mental health care so that so that Hong Kong can become a global leader in the field and a model for other Asian cities. We research and audit these strategies and share them internationally.

Impact of skills-based volunteer support on NGO and mission

Graphic Designer/ Animator: Improving the reach of our World Mental Health Day campaign, to improve awareness of mental health in Hong Kong

Translator: Translate our content to increase reach and ensure our content reaches a wider audience

Copywriter (copywriting/EDM development): Improve reach of our campaign and increase participation. This will help with destigmatizing mental health by improving attitudes.

Graphic Designer (sticker design): Create WhatsApp stickers for our campaign to make it easier for individuals to speak about mental health and their feelings. 

Graphic Designer/ Illustrator: Improve communications so we can increase our reach for World Mental Health Day and promote positive changes to attitudes and awareness.

Language requirement

Graphic Designer/ Animator: English. Chinese preferred.

Translator: English and Traditional Chinese

Copywriter (copywriting/EDM development): English and Traditional Chinese

Graphic Designer (sticker design): English/ Traditional Chinese

Graphic Designer/ Illustrator: English. Chinese preferred.

Key contact person for service

Mind HK HR Team


Phone: 3643 0869

Start date for position Start immediately
End date for position

Graphic Designer/ Animator: 4 October 2019

Translator: 4 October 2019

Copywriter (copywriting/EDM development): 30 September 2019

Graphic Designer (sticker design): 30 September 2019

Graphic Designer/ Illustrator: 4 October 2019

Remarks or special requirements N/A

Possibility for future paid position

Graphic Designer/ Animator: No

Translator: Yes (Ad hoc)

Copywriter (copywriting/EDM development): Yes (Ad hoc)

Graphic Designer (sticker design): No

Graphic Designer/ Illustrator: Yes (Ad hoc)


Interested candidates will be invited to submit their CV directly to your organization—to the key contact named above. Please note that any candidate screening, interview and selection process will be conducted by your organization only. HandsOn Hong Kong provides the platform to NGO partners free of charge and takes no responsibility for the quality of the candidates or their work.

Common Messages