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Clara Tang

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what are you doing currently?
Educated in Canada, I have over 15 years of senior managerial responsibility in APAC Regional Financial Roadshows and Relationship Management with Regulators and CEO Offices. Within the financial context, I am delighted to have the opportunity to engineer and implement not-for-profit initiatives eg Scholarship & Mentoring Programs for undergraduates.

How did you get in touch with HandsOn Hong Kong?
A close friend introduced the HandsOn Platform where I can contribute my skills and experiences. Volunteerism (and philanthropy) is my passion and I am very thankful I can dedicate my time into this.

What drives you to provide volunteer service to the community?
I love meeting with people of all levels and it's always a joyful thing to be able to lend a hand. In fact, volunteering via the HandsOn platform is like an extension of my career.

What is the impact of your volunteer work?
I would say the collective power of HandsOn's volunteers have make a positive impact on each and every activity on the calendar - smiles, laughter and appreciation from the beneficiaries says it all.

Why would you recommend others to join HandsOn Hong Kong?
HandsOn is unique, I see HandsOn as a valuable and reliable platform for volunteer workers and NGO partners. During the past year of service with HandsOn, I am very impressed with the HandsOn colleagues' professionalism and commitment. One will be very happy to join the family and contribute to the continuous success of HandsOn.

Any interesting story or touching moment you had in your volunteer work experience with HandsOn Hong Kong?
I have worked in several projects related to the under-privileged and marginalized youth segments and the physically challenged individuals... it came across my mind that it is quite likely that every visit might become a life time experience for them, hence, as a volunteer, I am very happy to assist them and would like to give them my best and devoted attention during the event.

Any other suggestions you want to share with our HandsOn Hong Kong volunteers or new subscribers?
It's going to be a wonderful experience and you will also benefit from the program you participated-in – act now and mark your diary.

Be the Change. Volunteer.