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HandsOn Hong Kong is able to serve our nonprofit partners and the wider community because of the wonderful support we receive from our volunteers and volunteer leaders—without whom our work would not be possible. Our volunteers come from different walks of life and have their own reasons for wanting to help but they share the same ultimate goal: to make Hong Kong a better place for all. Here are stories of some of our most dedicated volunteers:

Joyce Yim

I heard about HandsOn through my university-- Hong Kong Baptist University, where I major in Communications, specifically the Advertising concentration, where an internship was required to fulfil my credits for school. I joined alongside a group of other Baptist University students and we were all involved in HandsOn’s online social media campaign from January to April 2021. After the programme ended, I was offered a summer internship position to continue my role as the social media manager and now fast forward a year later, I’m still working at HandsOn!

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Shu Chew

Shu Chew is a mother of two teenage children who found she had more time and a desire to help with the onset of COVID. Like so many volunteers, she finds meaning in empowering and supporting groups whose needs are often over-looked. Recently, Shu joined several outreach programs to support domestic workers on their day off by providing them with information about their rights, distributing wellness items and even by providing advice. Thank you for being a true change-maker!

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Sitara Datwani

Sitara Datwani is one of our 26 'Youth Empowered' Volunteer Leaders, who has been working tirelessly empowering Hong Kong teens to view and use plastics differently! She is passionate about conservation and has led a number of beach cleanups, upcycling workshops, and a Plastic Free Seas AI initiative for trash detection. She believes positive change begins with just a few baby steps. Thank you Sitara for being such a change-maker!

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Chevy Mak

During the launch of our campaign recruiting skills-based volunteers, HandsOn mobilized 38 volunteers to support the work of local charities. One of these change-makers was Chevy Mak. She supported Habitat for Humanity as a Translator and Researcher in summer 2020, conducting research around and translating LegCo reports on housing standards. She also undertook critical research assignments as part of Habitat's 'Project Home Works'. Chevy felt empowered by the chance to use her skills for good and to have the opportunity to help in a meaningful way at a time of so much uncertainty. Thank you, Chevy!

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Elaine Ho

Elaine began volunteering in 2019 and has never looked back. She regularly joins a range of HandsOn in-person and virtual activities, such as creating greeting videos for isolated elderly, making inspiration jars for children with special needs and tutoring children with hearing impairments. She believes channeling our energy to do something meaningful helps to create our own reality, rather than letting the COVID-crisis define it for us. Thank you, Elaine!

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Joseph Lam

Joseph runs his own business in industry component manufacturing and medical supplies trading. He loves to do volunteering works when he is free. He have taken part in services with visiting elderly, working with handicapped kids and with mentally handicapped kids, and tutoring minorities. The most memorable moment in all these activities is what he saw the joy he could bring to the elderly, the kids, and the students. Joseph, thank you for all you have done for us!

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Wai Leung Tang

HandsOn is grateful for our own skilled volunteer, Wai Leung Tang—a corporate commercial lawyer who provides legal advice to us. He values knowing that his years of training can support the running of a non-profit through him reviewing documents such as employment contracts and MOUs. Wai Leung, thank you for all you have done for us!

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Hilda Ng

Hilda works in banking and leads outings for children with special needs as well as joining home visits with the city's isolated elderly. She finds that making the children that she supports laugh and seeing their joy and passion is the best way to unwind from the stresses of the working day. Thank you for all you do, Hilda!

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Grace Lam

Grace is a volunteer leader for ImpactHk, a local charity that helps the homeless in our community. She started volunteering with HandsOn in 2018 and mainly leads walks to deliver necessities and show care to the homeless in Mong Kok and Yau Ma Tei areas. Grace's positive outlook and dedication are an inspiration for us all.

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Sharon Fung

Sharon is a regular volunteer for our bread run programs organized by our NGO partner, Feeding Hong Kong. She is extremely passionate about helping the community and has recently also taken on the volunteer leader role for our elderly services program. Sharon is a wonderful inspiration for all those who are looking to do something good for Hong Kong.

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Davina Soo

Davina is a volunteer leader who is predominantly involved with serving the elderly in our community. She has been an important part of our soup delivery programs for many years. We greatly appreciate Davina’s devotion and generousity of spirit!

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Colette Aw

Colette is a volunteer leader with ImpactHK, an NGO that serves the homeless in our city. She is an incredibly active volunteer — having led six different Kindness walks all over the city. We see her name on the volunteer roster almost every day! She is always willing to give her time to distribute much needed necessities to the homeless when other leaders are not available. We greatly appreciate Colette’s contribution and are truly inspired by her warm heart!

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Stephanie Leung

Stephanie started volunteering with HandsOn in early 2017, and this year she became our top volunteer during Serve-a-thon 2019 - contributing the most number of hours among all 2,484 volunteers who took part in Hong Kong’s community service week! Since July, Stephanie has taken on the role of volunteer leader for two education-related programs, including training workshops for special needs children run by the Hong Kong Society for The Deaf and field trips for students with physical disabilities run by the Hong Kong Red Cross John F. Kennedy Centre. Thank you for your dedication Stephanie!

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Henry Hui

Henry has been supporting HandsOn since 2017 when he created the brand identity for our first ever Serve-a-thon community service week. He has been contributing his talents to our cause ever since - creating exhibition designs, online banners and outdoor billboards for our various programs. We are very grateful to Henry for empowering volunteerism in our community through his design expertise. His work has truly helped to build public awareness and inspire others to contribute their time for social good.

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Jimmy Lam

Jimmy has been volunteering independently for many years - organizing projects at elderly care centers with his friends. In early 2019, Jimmy started volunteering with HandsOn Hong Kong and he has already made a big impact! Jimmy supported the HandsOn Serve-A-thon by volunteering to create wooden frames needed for our Kindness Mats project and delivering care bags to elderly centers with us. Jimmy enjoys sharing his volunteering stories to empower volunteerism in our community.

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Sabrina Wei

Sabrina is a 15-year-old student at ISF Academy who embodies her commitment to community service in her daily life. She believes we each have a responsibility to give back to Hong Kong, the city we call home. Sabrina and her classmate, Esther, learned about HandsOn when our team came to speak at her school last year, inspiring her to take an even deeper dive into service actions. They worked tirelessly to drive, plan and obtain approval for a Chinese New Year themed Dress Casual day at their school, raising funds to support our mission to empower everyone in Hong Kong to volunteer and help address the needs of the community. Their efforts raised a fantastic HK$8,000 to support our charity for which we are so grateful!

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Sanday Chongo Kabange

Sanday Chongo Kabange works in compliance and business risk management and during his down-time can often be found at HandsOn service programs! He regularly joins Feeding Hong Kong Bread Runs and Impact HK Kindness Walks and stumbled across our calendar in mid-2018 as part of a search to find volunteer opportunities for English speakers. Since then there's been no stopping him and Sanday has met so many different people of different backgrounds and interests, gaining new friends and professional contacts along the way. He feels the true impact of his service when he's able to share a smile with someone in need of support and know that their exchange has made them feel cared for. You're an inspiration to us all, Sanday! 

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Joyce Kwok

Joyce is a regular volunteer who helped to lead HandsOn Hong Kong’s ten-week art program for children supported by the Society for Protection of Children. She is currently practicing law as a barrister—a desire to help the underprivileged has always been a strong motivation behind her studies. Studying law has showed Joyce that we can work together to right injustices and advocate for change, and she believes passionately in the importance of contributing to make our society a better place. She is also featured in our 2018 Serve-a-thon video. Thank you for all you do, Joyce!

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Nicholas Chen

Nicholas is a 16-year-old volunteer and student at Hong Kong International School. He started volunteering at i-Future Sunday school for students from underprivileged families. Most recently he began to work with ImpactHK through the delivery of daily necessity and warmth to the homeless in Yau Ma Tei. He believes that it’s our nature to ease the suffering of human being and animals which makes him a strong support to our volunteer team. He is a good role model for us as his empathy towards people turns into practical actions to care underprivileged people by education and visits. Thank you Nicholas!

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Allan Song

Allan Song is a volunteer leader for our programs with the Hong Kong Red Cross John F. Kennedy Centre, helping physically disabled students with schoolwork, as well as in outings to different parts of Hong Kong with the students. He started volunteering with us at the end of 2017, and has since then been an invaluable addition to our volunteer team. You are an inspiration Allan!

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Tay Tse

Tay Tse is a volunteer leader for special schools, mostly helping out with school outings. He started volunteering with HandsOn six months ago and has been an incredibly valuable addition to our team! He believes that spending time with people in need is the most effective way to give back to the community, and enjoys creating happy moments together with different beneficiaries. Thank you Tay for all that you do!

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Mandy Cheung

Mandy Cheung is one of the volunteer leaders for the Inside Out art workshops. She is in the finance industry during the week and leads an art workshop for children every weekend. She believes life is more meaningful once you start thinking bigger than yourself. She vividly remembers one of the first girls she met who refused to tell Mandy her name because she thought she would just forget about her. Mandy worked to build the trust of this child and their friendship inspired the girl to help others in the class so she too could be a volunteer! Thank you for all that you do.

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Esther Lau

Esther found herself thinking four years ago that the one thing we all have to give is "time", so why not spend it by joining activities that help others! This was the start of a wonderful volunteering journey that resulted in Esther being a leader for HandsOn activities supporting children from the Hong Kong Society for the Deaf. She believes that she takes so much more from the experience than she could ever give. You are an inspiration Esther!

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Pia Warburton

Pia has been a HandsOn volunteer leader for nearly four years, supporting Christian Action at their Center for Refugees at Chung King Mansions. Most Saturday mornings Pia spends two hours helping children like these two girls with their week’s homework. One girl Pia supported was a 7 year old with great potential but who—for various reasons—had never received a solid foundation in reading or writing. After months of helping the girl with basic spelling exercises and encouraging her when she felt frustrated or unable to focus, the girl wrote this note for Pia. This single moment has given her the push to continue volunteering as often as she does. Thank you Pia!

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Jason Choi

Jason Choi is a 16-year-old volunteer and student at Hong Kong International School who has applied his skills and passion in support of two major HandsOn initiatives this year. Being involved in community service and seeing the change he can make, has made Jason happier than anything else could. Jason, thank you and we cannot wait to see what you do next!

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Sylvia Wong

Sylvia Wong is a Volunteer Leader for our Soup for the Elderly Program which delivers warm soup and companionship to isolated elderly citizens. Her volunteer journey began when she witnessed an old lady picking up food from an over-flowing rubbish bin on the side of the street in Central. This started her on a quest to serve the city's underprivileged elderly. Thank you Sylvia for being an example to us all!

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Alan Wong

This month’s star volunteer, Alan Wong, began his community service because he wanted to give back to a society that had given him so much. Most of his volunteering has been in support of programs for underprivileged children, and he has been surprised to discover just how much the experience has moved him.

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Daney Chan

This month’s featured volunteer leader joins HandsOn programs for a simple reason—volunteering makes her happy. Daney treasures listening to their stories of the elderly beneficiaries she supports, and hearing their laughter as they tell her stories about their life. She has also met some amazing individuals she feels lucky to call friends.

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Sugar Li

I am surprised about how much the kids remember me. They remember everything I told them and they only see the good side of the world. They teach me to be more positive."

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Diana Choi

Diana Choi is the volunteer leader for our weekly program at the Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge, which brings together female volunteers and migrant workers to make handicrafts. Diana has been involved in community service since high school and believes the benefits are numerous, ranging from developing teamwork skills to the satisfaction of seeing someone smile. During her time at Bethune House she has learned that "human affections and respect can transcend language and cultural barriers". Thank you Diana!

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Harry Fung

Medical student Harry Fung was featured as the January 2017 star volunteer. He is driven to serve even while he’s busy studying because he wants to make a difference now, rather than waiting until he graduates. Harry puts his academic skillset to excellent use by volunteering as a tutor to ethnic minority students. He loves to see his students’ confidence grow, and their school marks improve, but his biggest sense of satisfaction comes from seeing that his students regard him as a friend and look forward to seeing him each visit.

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Anne Wong

"Volunteering with HandsOn Hong Kong is a precious opportunity to broaden one's life experience and exposure, to grow and improve wellness. When you think you are helping others, you are actually helping your own self."

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Mozart Chan

"Because of the platform, volunteers can have the choice to participate in different types of activities and this is something unique and valuable HandsOn offers."

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Rebecca Ng

"The impact of volunteering on my own life is that it really reminds me of how fortunate I am to be able to give and serve. I have a lot to be thankful for."

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Liat Hoffmann

"I am very fortunate to have the life I have but unfortunately not everyone is as fortunate as I am. So I believe it is important for me to give back."

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Yu Lik Cheung

"I feel that the impact on my own life has been as big as, if not bigger than, the impact on the well-being of the people we serve."

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Clara Tang

"It's going to be a wonderful experience and you will also benefit from the program you participated in--act now and mark your diary."

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Bianca Yip

"Regardless of how small your effort may seem, your contribution can make a huge difference in the beneficiary's life as long as you are determined and wholehearted. Do what you can, and keep up the good work!"

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Jack Hung

"Take the initiative to explore the types of activities you are interested in by joining different programmes if you have not made up your mind yet."

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Emma Ngai

"Signing up for volunteering with HandsOn Hong Kong is easy and does not require any training. All we need to do is to spend few hours of spare time to help others and it will help the society to grow."

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Alice Chiu

"Volunteering is so reciprocal. No matter whether we are volunteers or service recipients, we all benefit from personal development through the process of give and take. It also demonstrates the importance of 'influencing life with life' in volunteering."

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Lovelyn Padernal

"I always believed that if you cannot afford to donate money, then donate your time."


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Matthew Au

"We don't always realize that a lot of things we take for granted in our daily lives are actually quite difficult for some to enjoy, and volunteering makes me better appreciate what I have."

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Brian Kwok

"You can experience life through volunteering with HandsOn Hong Kong. It's a platform that matches 'volunteering organisation' and volunteers on an event-by-event basis. And with so many 'volunteering organisation' and events to offer, volunteers could really experience another's life, such as that of the hearing impaired, ethnic minorities and children who live in poverty."

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Rebecca Yang

"Find projects that you would be excited to participate in, and commit to projects you have signed up for. Sometimes volunteers take attendance lightly, cancelling last minute or failing to show up. But remember this: your presence really makes a difference! It might feel like a hassle making your way over to the project site, but the feeling you'll have after you participate will make it all worth it!"

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Eva Kwok

"Volunteering side by side with like-minded individuals, reaching out to those in need - the spiritual satisfaction I get is indescribable."

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Vanessa Lee

"Although many of us might have busy work schedules, but taking a few hours or a day to volunteer can just make your life so meaningful."

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Lesley Sze

"I think the impact of doing volunteer work is always two-way. I do not only pass on what I know and share with the beneficiaries, the beneficiaries also share with me their positive energies and inspire me a lot through their unique way of thinking and way of facing whatever that happen in their life."

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Carmen Lai

"As a Psychology graduate, I have great interest in understanding about human mind and behaviour. Volunteering is one of the best ways to meet people from all walks of life and learn more about our community."

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Carol Assang

"My name is Carol and I volunteer for the simple reason that it makes me happy."



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Roy Tang

"We are all a part of our community, naturally, there is a sense of responsibility to contribute."


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Bernie Lo

"When I was an AMS member, I had a simple thought that whenever I have spare time I would like to help the needy one in person."

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Alain Costeroste

"With my wife, we have been sponsoring a kid for more than 10 years in Philippines... I think it is great to support financially but it is even greater if you can give more than that, like giving your time and obviously meeting the people on a regular basis."

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James Man

"I used to participate regularly in a computer skill teaching class for asylum seekers... It was extremely satisfying to see the computer skills students go from not knowing how to double click a mouse to sending emails and connecting with their loved ones back home."

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Naomi Young

"I do know that what I do means that people with very little money get a good, fresh, tasty, hot meal for lunch or dinner."


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Matthew Yeung

"After helping the needy, I can have a greater sense of satisfaction."


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