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Yu Lik Cheung

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what are you doing currently?
I’m Yu-Lik, born in mainland China, grew up in HK, studied in the US and now work in a finance firm.

How did you get in touch with HandsOn Hong Kong?
I was looking for volunteering opportunities last summer but didn’t have in mind a specific community or charity organization to serve. I found HandsOn by simply googling “volunteering in HK” and thought the variety and diversity of opportunities available on its platform were a good fit to my interest, or the lack thereof.

What drives you to provide volunteer service to the community?
Back in high school, I was active in community services but I volunteered primarily because it would look nice on my resume and could help with my college application. I did it out of self-interests and never really understood the meaning of serving. Last year, I came across a story of a couple who sold all they had to build and operate the “House of Mephibosheth”, an orphanage in rural China, where they live with physically handicapped children who were abandoned by their parents for their disabilities. It struck me that rather than claiming they are the benefactors, the couple consider themselves as the beneficiaries of their own services. They were taught what thanksgiving and true joy were through the children. I was moved by their story and came to believe that serving others can be a way to find the meaning of relationship and of life, that’s why I started to look for volunteer opportunities and eventually served with HandsOn, but embarrassingly not so much to help others as to be helped.

What is the impact of your volunteer work?
I feel that the impact on my own life has been as big as, if not bigger than, the impact on the well-being of the people we serve. “It is more blessed to give than to receive” has long been an abstract and difficult verse for me to understand. But after serving for a while, I started to feel the joy inherent in the time spent with children, elderlies, other members of our society and our fellow HandsOn volunteers. I believe volunteering is more than just altruism. More importantly, regardless of the results of our works, the experience itself and the relationship developed between volunteers and the needy help us grow.

Why would you recommend others to join HandsOn Hong Kong?
Many volunteer positions require long-term time and resources commitments. HandsOn provides the much-needed flexibility to people who have the heart to serve but may have other responsibilities and obligations which make it not possible to serve on a regular basis. The diversity of services also allow volunteers to try out different activities and serve with different charity organization to explore where their passions and interests lie.

Any interesting story or touching moment you had in your volunteer work experience with HandsOn Hong Kong?
The touching moments are when I see the fulfilling smiles of the volunteers holding the hands of the kids and when I hear the joyful laughter of the kids sitting in the wheelchair enjoying their communion with the volunteers.

Any other suggestions you want to share with our HandsOn Hong Kong volunteers or new subscribers?
Be open-minded and courageous to serve and to be transformed.

Be the Change. Volunteer.